Conker's Bad Fur Day Review
For Nintendo 64
Rating: Good
Nearly four years after being unveiled at the 1997 E3 show as a painfully
cute action/platform game, Conker's Bad Fur Day has gone through multiple
re-designs and emerged as a gory, foul-mouthed parody of painfully-cute
action/platform games. There's enough foul language, toilet humor, and
sexual innuendo here to impress the creators of South Park, and most of it
is genuinely funny.
Some people consider themselves too "mature" (or holier-than-thou) to be
amused by such admittedly low-brow subject matter, but that doesn't make it
any less enjoyable for the rest of us. The story line has been specifically
crafted to make fun of the stories in most action/platform games. In this
case, an evil king wants to use a red squirrel's body as a table leg in
order to prevent his milk from spilling. It doesn't make much sense, and
it's not supposed to... after all, does it make sense that Princess Toadstool
has been kidnapped over a dozen times?
A large portion of the humor consists of the game making fun of itself.
For example, when ominous Terminator-style music begins to play right before
a boss battle, Conker says, "I don't like the sound of that music..." and
when Conker is faced with the task of bouncing on the breasts of a well-
endowed sunflower to reach an item, he says, "Now this is what I call a
platform game!" The one and only word that is ever bleeped out is the f-
word, and come to think of it, the impact of the game would have been even
greater if the f-word went uncensored.
After a few memorable sequences, you'll more than likely find yourself
hooked on the game and unable to stop playing because you want to know what
outlandish event is going to take place next. A feeling of attachment is
created by the lovable cast of characters, including a drug-addled scarecrow,
a melodramatic pitch-fork, and a horny bumble bee.
If you're like me and you would rather play through every Army Men game
ever released before you would collect another damn banana or puzzle piece
in an action game, you will find Conker's Bad Fur Day to be a breath of fresh
air in a stale genre. For the first time in Rare's life, the company has
delivered a 3D action game that doesn't require hours of tedious item
In another nice touch, Conker has a seemingly limitless supply of items
in his pants. So, for example, if you're surrounded by fecal matter and you
need a gas mask to breath, you don't have to worry about going on a long and
arduous quest to get a damn gas mask; Conker will simply pull one out of his
pants and put it on. This isn't the most logical set-up, but convenience is
far more important than logic in an action/platform game.
Every single word of dialogue in the game is spoken with surprisingly
well-done voice acting, which is both a technological and creative
achievement. It's a creative break-through to have this much believable,
well-acted voice acting in a video game of any kind, with characters who
sound exactly as they should. It's a technological break-through simply to
fit this much voice data on the horribly outdated and limited cartridge
storage format.
The multi-player modes in this game are eerily reminiscent of Rare's big
engine that couldn't, Jet Force Gemini. Simplistic to a fault and hampered
by awkward, third-person shooting action, the multi-player modes actually
detract from the overall package of the game more than they add to it. The
"Beach" scenario is vaguely entertaining for a while, but the rest of the
scenarios (particularly "Tank") only serve to bring back unpleasant memories
of games from the past.
Rare has succeeded in its attempt to make Conker's Bad Fur Day non-linear,
but this comes at the expense of the rest of the game. Too much time is
spent wandering aimlessly around the large game world because it hasn't been
made clear where you need to go and what you need to do. On most occasions,
it takes more time to figure out what you need to do than it does to actually
do it.
You'll eventually stumble across something that you previously missed and
then you'll go off on the next plot branch, but it would be nice if wandering
aimlessly wasn't a required element of completing the game. As inventive and
unique as the gameplay tasks are, they do get a repetitive at times. Also,
while the control is smooth for the most part, it can also be troublesome at
times (such as when you have to ride a bull, and also during a few jumping
Rare could just as easily produced a game starring a cast of painfully
cute characters who must collect hundreds of nuts and twigs. Instead, they
made a game that is both edgy and funny, something that can't be said of most
games that come out of the Nintendo corporate family. A lack of focus,
direction, and decent multi-player modes are the only things that keep
Conker's Bad Fur Day from being a must-have game.
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