By Contributing Writer Rob Pecknold NICK DIAMOND: Hello, and welcome back to Celebrity Deathmatch. I’m Nick Diamond, with my partner, Johnny Gomez. JOHNNY GOMEZ: Thanks, Nick. For those of you who have been watching, you already know that tonight's main event is about to begin, as the Sega Dreamcast takes on the PlayStation 2. But while our fighters are prepping up, let’s have a look at our previous fights. ND: They were quite exciting indeed, Johnny. First off, it was The Dave Matthews Band vs. Sting in the battle of bashed band supremacy. JG: The results were surprising, Nick. Dave himself was taken down fairly quickly, losing that South African fighting spirit he's known for. ND: But that doesn't mean the rest of the band was down. Ganging up on Sting were the Fiddler, the Guitarist, and the Saxophoner. JG: Do they even have real names, Nick? ND: Not that I know of, Johnny. But Sting fought back, finally winning the bout after rabid Dave-haters stormed the ring and proceeded to bludgeon and kill most of the band. JG: A great bout, but our next fight, between Jennifer Love Hewitt and Sarah Michelle Gellar, was truly a Celebrity Deathmatch for the record books. ND: It was the fight for worshipped hottie supremacy, and Sarah Michelle came out fighting. JG: Yes she did, Nick, but it was neither Sarah or Jennifer to win this bout, as Cameron Diaz came in and sent them both home to mama. ND: Those were some great bouts indeed, but our two fighters are almost ready. Let's go to the pre-match promos... ONE’S AN UNDERDOG LOOKING TO GET BACK IN THE GAME, ONE’S THE REIGNING CHAMP IN HIS FIELD. SOUNDS LIKE A CLASSIC, ORDINARY MATCH. RIGHT? YOU COULDN’T BE MORE WRONG. OUR FIGHTERS, FROM COMPETING ORGANIZATIONS, ARE SOME OF THE MOST UNUSUAL WE'VE HAD ON THIS SHOW. IN ONE CORNER IS THE SEGA DREAMCAST, THE CURRENT SUPER-SYSTEM WITH A LOT TO PROVE. FEATURING THE BLEEDING FAST HITACHI SH-4 PROCESSOR, POWERFUL NEW GRAPHICS TECHNOLOGY FROM NEC, AND A YAMAHA SOUND SYSTEM MORE POWERFUL THAN MOST 32-BIT SYSTEMS, THE DREAMCAST CERTAINLY ISN'T LACKING IN THE TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT. BUT IN THE OTHER CORNER IS THE PLAYSTATION 2, FROM THE CURRENT LEADER OF THE VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY. THE PLAYSTATION 2'S CORE IS THE AMAZING EMOTION ENGINE, WHICH CAN PUSH A WHOPPING 55 MILLION POLYGONS PER SECOND. TRULY A SYSTEM THAT BLOWS ALL OTHERS OUT OF THE WATER TECHNICALLY, BUT THE GAMES FRONT HAS YET TO BE REVEALED. JOHNNY GOMEZ: Now that you’ve heard the lowdown on our fighters, let's get right to the fight. NICK DIAMOND: Here come our fighters now. ("Why Can't We Be Friends?" plays as the Dreamcast comes out, "Pretty Fly For A White Guy" plays as the PlayStation 2 comes out.) JG: They are entering the ring now, Nick. Let's go to ref Mills Lane for the fight to begin. MILLS LANE: Okay, I want a good clean fight. PlayStation 2, keep in your emotions, and Dreamcast, don't doze off in my ring. Let's get it on! ND: And the Dreamcast gets off to a running start. But the immense size of the PSX2 is too much for him, Johnny. He's just batting at him like a fly! JG: The Dreamcast pulled back, Nick, tending his bruises. He’s got to really rethink his straight-on strategy to win this fight. ND: I don't know about you, Johnny, but it looks to me like the PlayStation 2 is just sitting there with a huge smirk on his face. Got to be that Emotion-boosting stuff inside him. JG: Wait! It looks like the Dreamcast is pulling something out of his CD holder- GAMES! I knew this was going to happen, Nick! It looks like instead of using his strength to compete with the PSX2, the Dreamcast is just gonna hit him with all the force his games can provide. ND: He’s got some good stuff there, Johnny. Sonic Adventure, Shenmue, Blue Stinger, Climax Landers, Grandia 2, Jurassic Park Arcade, NFL Blitz 2000, Resident Evil: Code Veronica... the list goes on and on. I wonder what the PSX2 can do about those, Johnny. JG: The Dreamcast is throwing its games at the PlayStation 2's head. Looks like Sonic Adventure was first, Nick. Ouch! That's GOT to hurt in the morning. ND: Even though he's got numerous games stuck in his head, the PSX2 doesn’t seem to mind at all. He is just much too powerful for the Dreamcast to handle. JG: But the Dreamcast does have a fighting spirit, Nick, and... ND: Sorry to interrupt you, Johnny, but it looks like someone's up in the light towers! JG: Who could it be, Nick? Oh my God, it's the infamous Comb-Over Bandit, everybody's favorite Nintendo executive, Howard Lincoln! HOWARD LINCOLN: Hello, fighters! I'm coming down there to put both of you in your places, but I think I'll delay my descent and just stand here for a few years to make my descent the greatest it can be. PSX2: HEY YOU LITTLE PUNK! COME DOWN HERE, SO I CAN WHIP YOU NOW! JG: It looks like the PSX2 is too focused on Nintendo to notice what the Dreamcast is doing. Sega’s Little System That Could is coming up fast, and there's no stopping him. ND: Ohh, and after a brutal hit from the Dreamcast, the PSX2 is out cold. MILLS LANE: 1.....2....3..... THE DREAMCAST WINS! JG: Man, the PlayStation 2 was just too concerned with Nintendo to notice that the Dreamcast was gaining and gaining, until BAM! The PlayStation 2 was lying on the mat, and the Dreamcast was victorous. ND: Well, we hope you have enjoyed tonight’s Celebrity Deathmatch. As always, good fight, and goodnight. You can e-mail Rob at
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