Gaming Journal

December 11, 2001
   Don't hold your breath waiting for any game from Square to be released 
for the Xbox or GameCube.  Now that Sony owns a 20 percent stake of Square 
and is asserting its force within the company, it doesn't look like Square 
will be getting into multi-platform development anytime soon.  Sony and 
Square both claim that Square can make games for other consoles whenever it 
wants, but the same line was used for 989 Studios, and it never made any 
games for other consoles.
   Also, you've got to love the statement from a Square spokesperson that 
the company might be developing Game Boy Advance games in the future because
"Sony doesn't have a handheld system, so it wouldn't be a conflict."  This 
implies that because Sony has a console, it would be "a conflict" for Square
to release games on other consoles.  
   So, in order to get a short-term cash boost from Sony, Square has 
severely limited its long-term earnings potential by all but eliminating the
possibility of the multi-platform development gold mine.  Square must have 
been really desperate for cash to take a short-term gain at the expense of 
the long-term health of the company.  Has anyone looked into the possibility
that Square is somehow being run by Imagine Media's management team?

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