Rating: Awesome I never denied that Goldeneye 007 is a very good game, it's just that at first I didn't think it was really "all that" and while I liked it well enough, I couldn't understand why everybody else was raving about saying it was the best first- person shooter of all-time. Well, now I understand. The combination of stealth and brute force make for a strong single-player game, and the multiple difficulty levels with mission objectives that vary accordingily are a nice touch to ensure that the game will appeal to gamers of all skill levels. But where the game really shines is in the completely customizable multi-player battles. Two, three, or four players can duke (no pun intended) it out in one of several different levels trying to find and kill each other as many times as they can within a customizable time limit, or just seeing who can be the first to get 5 kills or 10 kills or whatever you prefer. The joy of sneaking up from behind and detonating a bomb right next to your opponent and the hilarious agony of accidentally shooting the rocket launcher at the wall right next to you and klling yourself cannot be described in words. Goldeneye is definitely recommended to all N64 owners.
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