May 12, 2000 Sony has announced that the PlayStation 2 will be released in the US on October 26, 2000 at a price point of $300. The PlayStation 1 also launched at a $300 price point when it was released in the US on September 9, 1995. One million copies of the PlayStation 2 will be available in the US on October 26, with another two million to be made available between October 27 and March 31, 2001. Sony claims that 50 games will be released for the US PlayStation 2 before the end of the year, with another 50 to follow in the first three months of 2001. The Bloomberg news agency's highly-publicized report turned out to be alomst completely untrue. Bloomberg had claimed that Sony was adding a 56K modem and a hard drive to the US PlayStation 2 this fall, and that both of them could be packaged with the system. As it turns out, neither product will be packaged with the PlayStation 2, and one of them doesn't exist. Sony made no mention of a 56K modem for the PlayStation 2; instead they continued to vaguely talk about the system's broadband future. Sony did reveal a storage area in the back of the system that will allow a hard drive to be installed in the future, but this is hardly news (Sony had already announced that a hard drive would be released for the system in 2001). Other PlayStation 2 facts revealed by Sony: -All PlayStation 2 games from Sony will carry suggested retail prices of $50. -The US PlayStation 2's DVD movie software will be included within the system itself, not on a memory card as is the case in Japan. The software will still be upgrade-able in the future through the use of upgrade discs. Hopefully, this will prevent American gamers from experiencing many of the same problems that Japanese gamers have been having. -The official PlayStation 2 controllers, memory cards, and Multi-Taps will all cost $34 each (one controller and one memory card are going to be packed-in with the system). -Playable demos at retailers across the country will allow millions of gamers to get a hands-on test drive of the PlayStation 2 before its October 26 launch. Sega is running a three-month promotion that will essentially cut the price of the Dreamcast to $150. Rather than an outright price cut to $150, Sega will continue to sell the Dreamcast for $200, but now they're offering a $50 rebate to everyone who buys the system between June 4 and August 31. In order to get the $50 rebate, you have to sign up for one free month of SegaNet Internet access. You can terminate your SegaNet account at any time and keep your $50. This rebate offer is in addition to the $200 rebate that you get if you sign up for two years of SegaNet access. The makers of the commercial PlayStation emulator Bleem have unveiled a series of new products that will let you play PlayStation games on the Dreamcast. Bleem's current products let you play PlayStation games with enhanced graphics on a PC, and their upcoming products will do the same for the Dreamcast. Bleem's products will be released in $20 "packs," each of which will offer full Dreamcast compatibility for 100 PlayStation games. Let's hope that the Dreamcast version of Bleem isn't a buggy piece of crap like the PC version. Before E3 took place, Bleem won against Sony in court again. At last year's E3 show, Sony convinced the show organizers at the IDSA to prevent Bleem from showing Gran Turismo running on Bleem hardware. Sony claimed that Bleem was using copyrighted material without Sony's permission, and the IDSA either agreed or didn't want to ruffle Sony's feathers. Now Bleem has won a restraining order against Sony that prevents Sony from doing anything that interferes with Bleem showing its products at E3. Sony employees are not even allowed to approach Bleem's booth. A US district court previously ruled that Bleem could not show screen shots of PlayStation games in its advertising for comparison purposes, but this decision has been overturned by an appeals court. Judge O'Scannlain of the appeals court said, "Bleem's use of a handful of screen shots in its advertising will have no noticeable effect on Sony's ability to do with its screen shots what it chooses. If sales of Sony consoles drop, it will be due to the Bleem emulator's technical superiority over the PlayStation console, not because Bleem used screen shots to illustrate that comparison." To read more of the somewhat interesting court report, click here. Two mass-merchant retailers have decided not to carry any more Mature- rated video games. The two retailers are Sears and Wards (formerly known as Montgomery Ward). Both retailers are based in Illinois, the same state where Attorney General Jim Ryan hopes to prevent all retailers from selling M-rated games to minors. The lack of M-rated games won't just be in Illinois, though; all Sears and Wards locations nationwide will stop selling M-rated games. Wal-Mart and Best Buy have spoken out in favor of the video game industry. Both retailers will continue to sell M-rated games, and will also increase their already-big budgets allocated to educating people about the industry's ratings system. Jim Ryan claims, "An avalanche of violent imagery is bombarding the minds and spirits of our young people." When confronted with the fact that minors can easily buy R-rated movies at video stores, Ryan's press secretary Dan Curry said, "We're not aware that the sale of those is a problem." Game design legend Peter Molyneux has announced that Black & White will be his last PC game. All of Molyneux's future games will be for "next- generation consoles," and of course Molyneux didn't mention any particular consoles. Black & White will be released for the PC and Dreamcast this fall. The PC version will be published by Electronic Arts, and the Dreamcast version will be published by Sega. A feminist activist has spoken out against Simon & Schuster's parody game Panty Raider: From Here To Immaturity. In Panty Raider, you have to take pictures of supermodels in their underwear in order to save the world from aliens. There is no nudity whatsoever in the game, and all of the characters are very cartoon-like. Nevertheless, Boston University's Elaine Alpert says, "I am absolutely appalled that a seemingly reputable publisher such as Simon & Schuster would even think of developing such an exploitative and damaging item. The game perpetuates several myths about behavior that are damaging and downright disgusting." Simon & Schuster's Peter Binazeski responded, "It's humor, and the over-the-top nature of the humor is a clear indicator that it is not meant to be taken seriously." Fox Interactive has named the developers of the video games based on World's Scariest Police Chases. The PlayStation version of the game is being developed by Swedish company Unique Development Studios, and the Dreamcast version is being developed by Teeny Weeny Games... yes, that's right, there's a game company called Teeny Weeny Games. Both versions of World's Scariest Police Chases are due out this fall. Creative Labs has announced two models of speakers that were created specifically for the PlayStation 2. Both models (the PS-2000 and the PS-2500) supposedly offer convincing surround sound. The PS-2000 will cost $250, and the PS-2500 will cost $300 (the same price as the PS2 itself). Infogrames has signed a new publishing deal with Epic Games, the owners of the Unreal franchise. Infogrames now has the worldwide publishing rights to Unreal 2, which is being developed by Legend Entertainment, not Epic. Infogrames also has the option to publish Unreal 3 if they so choose, and realistically, why wouldn't they? Activision has signed a deal with Disney to publish PlayStation and Dreamcast games based on the upcoming TV series, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. It's surprising that Disney would sign another deal with Activision considering the PR fiasco that ensued when Activision included a stereotypical Mexican villain in Toy Story 2. The Buzz Lightyear games will cast players in a fight against the evil emperor Zurg. Who do you think would win in a fight, Toy Story's Zurg or StarCraft's Zurg? Electronic Arts is bringing all of its major sports franchises to both the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 1 this fall. Madden NFL 2001 is also being developed for the Nintendo 64, but EA still isn't supporting the Dreamcast. How do you justify supporting the almost-dead N64 and not supporting the Dreamcast? Interestingly enough, the PlayStation 1 version of NHL 2001 has a Career Mode and the PlayStation 2 version doesn't. I wonder if there will be any differences feature-wise between the different versions of NBA Live or Madden... Final Fantasy 9 is still due out in Japan on July 19 and in the US this fall. It doesn't look like Dragon Quest 7's latest delay will cause to Square to delay FF9 in response, but it still remains a small possibility. Square doesn't want to the two games to be released too close to each other so that they don't cut into each other's sales. Electronic Arts continues to work on the re-launch of, which will also serve as America Online's Games Channel when it's re-launched. The site will be re-launched in a series of phases, not all at once. The first phase will take place in July, and the last phase will take place several months later. EA is spending lots of money on the re-launch, so much that their chief financial officer estimates that the business unit will post a net loss of over $100 million at the end of the financial year. At the same time EA re-launches their web site and AOL's Games Channel, many previously-expensive AOL games will become free (mainly card games, which currently have hourly rates). Ubi Soft's PlayStation game based on Disney's Dinosaur movie is scheduled for release in July. The Game Boy Color version of the game will be released on May 19, the same day as the movie. The game will also be brought to the Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 in the future. The early word on the PlayStation version of the game is that it sucks, with bad control, bland graphics, and frustrating gameplay. GAME NEWS This section will cover games being announced or otherwise revealed to be in development. It will also cover games being given their first release dates and games being given new release dates. All games are listed in alphabetical order. Age of Empires 2 for Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 Release Date: Fall 2000 info: Konami has just confirmed that they are bringing this game to the US Dreamcast and PS2 this fall, but it won't have any multi-player modes Cool Boarders 2001 for PlayStation 1 Release Date: November 2000 info: Sony is still supporting the original PlayStation with lots of sequels like this one Crash Bash for PlayStation 1 Release Date: November 2000 info: a Crash Bandicoot action/puzzle game from Eurocom Driver 2 for PlayStation 1 Release Date: Fall 2000 info: GT has officially confirmed this game's fall release date ESPN NBA 2Night for Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 Release Date: November 2000 info: this basketball game from Konami was originally scheduled to be released for the Dreamcast this spring Eternal Arcadia for Dreamcast Release Date: September 2000 info: Sega's RPG has finally been given a US release date Fear Effect: Retro Helix for PlayStation 1 Release Date: Spring 2001 info: a prequel to the popular survival horror game Hey You Pikachu for Nintendo 64 Release Date: November 6 info: this game will be bundled with a microphone and voice recognition system, causing its suggested retail price to skyrocket to $90 (almost as much as the N64 system itself) Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine for Nintendo 64 Release Date: Fall 2000 info: the PC game comes to the N64, interesting since the PlayStation version of the game was delayed indefinitely and then cancelled last fall Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 for Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 Release Date: Unknown info: Eidos previously announced this game for the Dreamcast, and now they have announced it for the PlayStation 2 as well; the PlayStation 1 version of the game has been cancelled Majestic for PC Release Date: Fall 2000 info: an online game from EA which they describe as "Ultima Online meets The X-Files" Medal of Honor Underground for PlayStation 1 Release Date: Fall 2000 info: a prequel to the critically-acclaimed first-person shooter; it casts you in the role of a woman named Manon during the French Revolution in 1942 Paper Mario for Nintendo 64 Release Date: December 26, 2000 info: the game formerly known as Super Mario RPG 2 is now known as Paper Mario because its characters look like paper cut-outs Phantasy Star Online for Dreamcast Release Date: January 2001 info: previous reports that the game would be delayed were confirmed at E3; it's now scheduled to be released in both Japan and the US in January of 2001 Pokemon Gold & Silver for Game Boy Color Release Date: October 16, 2000 info: these two games have finally been given release dates, although they could easily slip Quake 3: Team Arena for PC Release Date: Fall 2000 info: the next game from Id Software will be a teamplay expansion to Quake 3 Sanity: Aiken's Artifact for PC Release Date: Summer 2000 info: developed by Monolith; Ice-T will provide over 3,000 lines of dialogue for the main character Shenmue for Dreamcast Release Date: November 11, 2000 info: this highly-anticipated game has finally been given a US release date; over 250 voice actors have been hired to record the voice-overs in English Silent Scope for Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 Release Date: Unknown info: Konami's popular arcade shooter is coming home with a modified control interface that won't require anything similar to the arcade version's sniper rifle Simpsons Wrestling for PlayStation 1 Release Date: Fall 2000 info: a wrestling game with 22 characters from The Simpsons; it's being developed by Big Ape Productions, the makers of the horrible Phantom Menace game for the PlayStation and PC Sims Livin' Large for PC Release Date: Fall 2000 info: the expansion pack to the top-selling PC game, from the original creators of the game at Maxis SimsVille for PC Release Date: Early 2001 info: not much is known about this one, but Maxis describes it as "a mix between The Sims and Sim City" Sonic Adventure 2 for Dreamcast Release Date: 2001 info: this game was previously scheduled to be released this fall, now it will be released sometime in 2001 Spyro: Year of the Dragon for PlayStation 1 Release Date: November 2000 info: the third game in Insomniac's action/platform series Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles for Dreamcast Release Date: Fall 2000 info: the PlayStation game comes to the Dreamcast Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing for PlayStation 2 Release Date: Early 2001 info: LucasArts' Star Wars cart racing game has been given its first release date Suikoden 3 for PlayStation 2 Release Date: 2001 info: nothing is known about this one yet other than its release date Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 for PC Release Date: Fall 2000 info: Activision has announced a PC version of this game to go along with the Dreamcast and PlayStation versions; the PC version will offer eight- player Internet games Tropico for Dreamcast and PC Release Date: Unknown info: a very promising game from the Gathering of Developers where you're the dictator of a Caribbean island Ultima Worlds Online: Origin for PC Release Date: mid-to-late 2001 info: Ultima Online 2 has been given the strange new name seen above, and it has been delayed for a full year WWF No Mercy for Nintendo 64 Release Date: Fall 2000 info: from the same company as Wrestlemania 2000; it will have Transfer Pak compatibility, so you'll be able to "upgrade" wrestlers by playing the Game Boy Color version of the game WWF Royal Rumble for Dreamcast and arcade Release Date: Fall 2000 info: both versions will be released at the same time; looks like a souped- up version of Smackdown; will allow up to nine wrestlers in a match at once WWF Smackdown 2: Know Your Role for PlayStation 1 Release Date: Fall 2000 info: a souped-up version of the original featuring ladder matches and many more new touches; the fall 2000 release date will be quite a stretch because right now it's only 10% done NEWS BRIEFS As expected, Nintendo didn't reveal anything about the Dolphin or Game Boy Advance at E3. Nintendo is hoping to sell 5-10 million more Nintendo 64 systems before all is said and done. Infogrames will discontinue use of the GT Interactive brand on June 1. The Infogrames brand will be on the boxes of future games from GT's studios and partners like Oddworld Inhabitants, Epic Games, SingleTrac, and Reflections. Codemasters is running a contest at E3 to see who can get the fastest race time in Colin McRae Rally 2.0. The winner of the contest will get a Ford Focus. Eidos Interactive has chosen the latest "official Lara Croft model." Her name is Lucy Clarkson, and she is only 16 years old. Core Design has set up a Lucy Clarkson web site here. Sega confirmed at E3 that the Dreamcast's Zip Drive add-on will be brought to the US at some point. The purpose of the Zip Drive will be to store files that you download from the Internet. Somewhat embarrassingly for E3's organizers, the Internet pipeline going into the Los Angeles Convention Center failed on Friday morning, leaving everyone in the convention center without Internet access. Much like EA Sports' strategy this year, Sony's first-party sports games will be released for both the PlayStation 1 and PlayStation 2 this fall, namely the 2001 versions of NFL GameDay, NBA Shoot Out, NHL Face Off, NCAA GameBreaker, and NCAA Final Four. Ion Storm's John Romero is at Mplayer's E3 booth competing with show- goers in his recently-finished Daikatana for the PC. This marks Daikatana's fourth E3 appearance. The latest Nintendo 64 game cancellation comes from a company that has traditionally been very supportive of the system: Midway. Midway has cancelled Boss Game Studios' Stunt Race 3000 due to the developer missing a development deadline. SALES CHARTS The following sales charts are based on unit sales for the week of April 23 to 29. Dreamcast 1. Resident Evil: Code Veronica (click on the blue text for Master Gamer's review of the game) 2. Crazy Taxi 3. Dead or Alive 2 4. Maken X 5. NBA 2K PlayStation 1. Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles 2. WWF Smackdown 3. Syphon Filter 2 4. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5. Syphon Filter (same exact top five list as last week) old games still in the top ten: Syphon Filter and Army Men 3D Nintendo 64 1. Pokemon Stadium 2. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3. Mario Party 2 4. WWF Wrestlemania 2000 5. Super Smash Bros. old games still in the top ten: Super Smash Bros., Hybrid Heaven, and Star Fox 64 PC 1. The Sims 2. EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark 3. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? 4. RollerCoaster Tycoon 5. Soldier of Fortune old games still in the top ten: RollerCoaster Tycoon, Star Wars Episode I: Racer, and Family Pack 3 Sources for news: Fastest Game News Online, GameSpot, GameFan, Blue's News, GI News, Next Generation, Adrenaline Vault, The Magic Box, Daily Radar, Sega X, PSX 2 Online, Nintendorks, IGN, MCV, The Sega Zone, Sega Otaku, Gaming Age, The NPD Group, www.cowdance.comBack To News
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