September 17, 1999 The Sega Dreamcast was released on September 9, and it was even more successful than it was expected to be. In addition to being the biggest video game console launch of all time from a sales standpoint (410,000 systems sold in one week), the Dreamcast also set the all-time entertainment industry record for one day of revenue. The previous record holder for one day of revenue in any form of entertainment was Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, which generated about $28 million on its first day back in May. The Dreamcast generated approximately $97 million on September 9, more than tripling The Phantom Menace's record. However, the Dreamcast's record-breaking launch was not without its fair share of problems. Many consumers found that some Dreamcast software was defective, with most of the complaints focusing on Sonic Adventure, the Dreamcast's web browser CD, Activision's Blue Stinger, and Midway's Hydro Thunder. While only a small percentage of these CDs were defective (and this is nothing compared to the technical problems the PlayStation had when it first launched), that doesn't make it any less frustrating for the people who bought defective games. If you bought a defective Dreamcast game and the retailer who sold it to you isn't being cooperative with you about exchanging it, just call Sega at 1-800-USA-SEGA. If you're having problems with Blue Stinger, you can also call Activision at 1-888-402-8951. Just four days after the Dreamcast's launch (what a coincidence), Sony revealed the PlayStation 2's Japanese release date (March 4, 2000), Japanese price ($368), and the design of the console itself (butt-ugly). The console is black with "PS2" written on it, and the game CDs will be a stylish blue. Gamers may be able to plug their own USB modems into the PlayStation when it launches, but an official modem from Sony will not be available until 2001. In 2001, Sony will begin to sell cable modems and high- capacity hard drives (supposedly tens of giga-bytes) that can attach to the PlayStation 2. With this combination, you could download full games onto the hard drive, as well as movies and music. The cable modem will be fast enough to ensure download speeds of about 10MB per second. You will also be able to play multi-player games over the Internet using the PlayStation 2's cable modem when the modem is released in 2001. Packaged with the system will be the new Dual Shock 2 controller, which features analog input for every single button except start and select (which opens up possibilities like "the harder you press a button in a football game, the harder the tackle"). The Dual Shock 2 controller is black and will also work on all PlayStation 1 games that support the Dual Shock 1 controller. Also packaged with the system will be a new high-capacity memory card, which can hold up to 8MB of data and can transfer data up to 250 times faster than a PlayStation 1 memory card. Unfortunately, this new memory card will not be backwards-compatible with PlayStation 1 games. Needless to say, plenty of third-party developers are working on PlayStation 2 games. The following are some high-profile games have already been confirmed to be in development for the system: -a new Resident Evil game from Capcom -a new Ridge Racer game from Namco -Tekken Tag Tournament from Namco -a new Ninja Gaiden game from Tecmo -Command & Conquer: Renegade (a first-person shooter set in the C&C universe, which will be released for the PC first in the spring of 2000) Other PlayStation 2 Facts: -The PlayStation 2's US release date and price will be announced at the 2000 E3 show in Los Angeles, California. -Sony hopes to sell one million units of the console in its first two days on Japanese store shelves. -The system will only have two controller ports and two memory card ports. -The system will be able to play DVD movies and music CDs. -Electronics Arts has confirmed that it will be a PlayStation 2 developer. Initial sales figures for Final Fantasy 8 indicate that the game sold over 400,000 copies in its first four days on store shelves. Not bad... As yet more proof that Nintendo and Rare are the two worst companies in the world in terms of releasing their products on time, Rare's Perfect Dark has been delayed. The un-official sequel to Goldeneye 007 was previously scheduled to be released this December, and it is now set for an April 2000 release (until they delay it again, of course). Nintendo's Peter Main said, "With more development time, we're all convinced it will produce a considerably better product." There are always things you can change about a game to try and make it better, but smart developers know when to say "enough is enough" and ship the freakin' game out the door. GameSpot News recently ran a news story claiming that Sega delayed the introduction of online gaming on the Dreamcast until the second half of 2000. Sega quickly issued a press release saying that GameSpot's report was incorrect and that around a dozen Dreamcast games will be fully playable over the Internet before July of 2000. Then again, Sega also said "Online gaming on 9/9/99" for months, so I'll believe it when I see it... The rumors that Acclaim and Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) are about to strike a deal (or have already struck a deal and just haven't announced it yet) are at an all-time high. The rumors are heating up now that ECW's weekly show on TNN has debuted and it's drawing ratings that are more than twice TNN's average rating. However, as logical as the rumors are, they're still just rumors, and they have yet to be confirmed by either Acclaim or ECW. Considering that if Acclaim and ECW have indeed struck a deal, the first ECW wrestling games still wouldn't be released until sometime next year, it makes sense for Acclaim to hold off announcing the deal for a while. The last thing they want to do is cut into sales of WWF Attitude for the PlayStation and Nintendo 64, as well as the Dreamcast version due for release next month. Sega has confirmed that last year's smash hit PC game Half-Life is on its way to the Dreamcast. It will supposedly let you play multi-player games over the Internet, but that was all Sega was willing to reveal about the Dreamcast version of the game. Sega has also confirmed that Star Wars Episode I: Racer is on its way to the Dreamcast. It will also be turned into a Naomi-based arcade game by Sega, but unfortunately the Dreamcast version probably won't be released until early next year. On a recent edition of Judge Judy, a man was suing his ex-wife for taking his PlayStation with her when she moved out of his house. Judge Judy lectured the man for trying to take the PlayStation away from his son (who lives with his ex-wife), but also said that his ex-wife's testimony was "full of baloney." However, she did not follow up the "full of baloney" comment with her usual, "No, no, no, madam!" Seriously, in the end Judge Judy awarded the man $250, despite the fact that the PlayStation only costs $99. Rage Software has revealed that its upcoming PC shooter Hostile Waters may be brought to the Dreamcast. As anyone who has played Incoming or Expendable can tell you, Rage is the master of shooters with great graphics and horrible gameplay. Sega would be wise to make an example out of Rage and reject all their games until they make one with decent gameplay. Nintendo has announced a Game Boy Color "game" called Pokemon Card, due for release in February 2000. It's basically the Pokemon card game from Wizards of the Coast, only in digital form. It may sound pretty pointless, but it must have been something that Nintendo couldn't resist given the amount of money such a game will surely generate, coupled with the small amount of development talent, effort, and money required to bring a card game to the Game Boy Color. The creators of Deer Hunter at WizardWorks have announced that the new brand WizardWorks Outdoors will debut along with Deer Hunter 3 in October. WizardWorks' Paul Rinde said, "By putting the WizardWorks Outdoors logo on our hunting and fishing games, we're hoping to make consumers more consistently aware of our brand and that they can be assured they're buying a quality hunting or fishing game each time they pick up our box." Man, all that just for adding the word "Outdoors" to the box? In a sign that Nintendo's marketing department couldn't think of anything better than the same old multi-colored crap, Donkey Kong 64 will be packaged with a "jungle green" Nintendo 64 when it is released on November 22. For $130, gamers will be able to buy a jungle green N64, one controller, one banana yellow DK 64 cartridge, and the N64's RAM Expansion Pak. If you already have an N64 and want to buy DK 64, you'll still have to buy the Expansion Pak along with it because DK 64 requires the Expansion Pak to run. In another DK 64 promotion, drinkers of Dr. Pepper may look under the cap this fall and find that they have won an N64 console with DK 64. Midway is reportedly working on a wrestling game similar in design to Ready 2 Rumble Boxing. Like Ready 2 Rumble, Midway's wrestling game will probably feature wacky, fictional characters instead of an actual professional license. 3dfx has struck a deal with Compaq in which 3dfx's Voodoo 3 graphics accelerators will come packed in with certain Compaq Presario PCs. Of course, with the frequency at which 3dfx is releasing new graphics chipsets these days, anyone who buys a Compaq PC with a Voodoo 3 accelerator in it will probably find that it becomes obsolete in the ten minutes it takes to un-pack the system... The London Times has reported that Microsoft has been meeting with numerous video game developers in an attempt to get them to sign non- disclosure agreements (NDAs). The NDAs would prevent anyone who signs them from saying anything about Microsoft's X-Box gaming console. Despite the fact that the launch of the console is supposedly only a year away, Microsoft doesn't want any more details to leak out about the console because they don't want their relationship with Sega to be damaged (Microsoft supplied Sega with a modified Windows CE operating system that Dreamcast developers have the option of working with). Capcom and SNK have confirmed the existence of Capcom vs. SNK for the SNK's new portable gaming system, the Neo Geo Pocket Color. The game features many characters from both Capcom's line of fighting games and SNK's line of fighting games, and it could also be brought to the Dreamcast at some point in the future. Blizzard has finally confirmed the existence of WarCraft 3. It's no surprise that the game will be fully polygonal and will be released sometime next year, but it is a surprise that it will be a strategy/RPG instead of a real-time strategy game. Due to the huge demand for the Dreamcast, some people who pre-ordered the system from didn't get their system on September 9. In an effort to try to turn these potentially pissed off customers into happy customers, Sega has sent them all a free gift, but they haven't revealed what the gift actually is. If they really wanted to be cruel, Sega could mark the packages "Complete Dreamcast Software Library," but fill the boxes with the 32X's software library instead. As part of its ongoing partnership with Nintendo, Blockbuster Video is now renting out Game Boy Color games and systems. Participating locations are currently renting out the games ($4 for five nights) and the system ($10 for five nights). In addition, for a limited time Blockbuster is selling batteries for 99 cents instead of their usual $1.50, and they're giving members of their "Rewards" program a free set of batteries when they rent a Game Boy Color system. This has nothing to do with video games, but in a recent feature on Comedy Central's The Daily Show, a Daily Show correspondent harassed people in Florida after a printing error led to dozens of people mistakenly being marked "deceased" on their W2 forms. Here's what the correspondent said to a man at the printing facility. Daily Show: How many people died as a result of this incident? Man (puzzled): None. Daily Show: Then how do you explain the X's in the "deceased" columns? Man: It was a mis-alignment in the printers. The printer made a mistake. Daily Show: And this ended up killing people? Man: No, I told you, nobody died. Daily Show: If you're so innocent, why won't you admit that you're not? Man: Innocent of what? Daily Show: You tell me. Master Gamer, along with dozens of other members of the video game press, recently got an e-mail from Sonic the Hedgehog. While it is likely that the e-mail was actually written by a human and not a polygonal video game character, I really did get the following meaningless e-mail from an address at Sega: "Hello! I've been chilling at the Emerald Coast where the weather is great! If you get a copy of Sonic Adventure, you can check this place out too. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find Tails anywhere, so I guess I'll head back to the Station Square Hotel. By the way, Amy introduced me to this bird she found....cute little guy (She's not so bad herself!). I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got to run--and at 60 frames per second, that's pretty taxing work! Take Care, Sonic the Hedgehog" If you want to get in touch with a sweaty man in a Sonic outfit... er, I mean Sonic the Hedgehog, you can do so by sending an e-mail to In the period between August 15 and August 21, the best-selling PlayStation games were: 1. WWF Attitude (click on the blue text for a review of the game) 2. Madden NFL 2000 3. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 4. NFL GameDay 2000 5. Driver 6. NCAA Football 2000 7. Final Fantasy 7 8. Gran Turismo 9. The Need For Speed 3 10. Spyro the Dragon In the period between August 15 and August 21, the best-selling N64 games were: 1. Pokemon Snap (also the #1-renting game on the market) 2. Mario Golf 3. Super Smash Bros. 4. Monster Truck Madness 5. Goldeneye 007 6. NFL Blitz 2000 7. In-Fisherman's Bass Hunter 64 8. Rugrats: Scavenger Hunt 9. Mario Party 10. Super Mario 64 In the period between August 15 and August 21, the best-selling PC games were: 1. Half-Life 2. Starfleet Command 3. System Shock 2 4. RollerCoaster Tycoon 5. Rainbow Six Gold Pack 6. Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2 7. Drakan: Order of the Flame 8. The Need For Speed 3 9. Sim City 3000 10. Tomb Raider 2 Sources for news: Fastest Game News Online, GameSpot, GameFan, Blue's News, GI News, Next Generation Online, Adrenaline Vault, The Magic Box, Happy Puppy, PSX 2 Online, IGNPSX, IGN 64, Nintendorks, The Sega Zone, Sega Otaku, Gaming Age, www.hamsterdance.comBack To News
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